Dual Provision and Training Models. A Pending Task for the Case of Professional Technical Secondary Education in Chile


  • Christian Loyola-Bustos Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso


In Chile, professional technical secondary education (EMPT in Spanish), in its essence and objective, ensures that its students achieve early entry into the labor market based on solid competences, skills, abilities and knowledge, also contributing to the continuation of studies. The objective of this work is to know and analyze the provision models that are deployed in EMTP, relating these models to dual training, taking the German experience as a reference. The methodology will consist of the review of specialized bibliography. Professional technical education is essential for the development and job placement of young people, which is why the provision models in Chile must be improved, in order for the EMTP to be efficient and effective in its preparation and structure. The article seeks to contribute to educational improvement, stressing the importance of establishing connections, networks and ties between companies and educational agencies, promoting dual learning, so that the education offered is of good quality impacting positively the labor market.


Professional technical education, models of provision, education and work, dual training, labor projections