This paper’s objective is to draw critical consideration on “The Social
Justice” as a foundation of education and the elaboration of an alternative proposal from a radical democracy viewpoint. The methodology is based on critical hermeneutics and, after that, the adaptation of a proposal of principles, institutions, and practices generated by the philosopher Enrique Dussel. The main results of this research are as follows: To show a material, intersubjective and feasibility articulation of educational democracy; the need to generate institutions where horizontal democracy governs and the functioning of an agonist education as criticism and alternative to the narrowness of Social Justice as a device for emancipation.
education, democracy, agonism, social justice, latin-american philosophy
Díaz Fernández, J. A. (2020). Critics and alternatives to Social Justice as Education foundation: A democratic, Latin-American and Agonistic approach. Revista Chilena De Pedagogía, 1(2), 1–28.
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