Learning to be citizens: a microgenealogy of protest in secondary schools


  • Andrés E. Hernández Universidad Nacional de Villa María


The forms of organization and student participation in Latin America have been approached from the most everyday of school life to the most extraordinary ways in which social outbursts are expressed. Assuming this complexity, experiences of citizenship education in school settings are analyzed here, showing the ways in which they manage, under certain circumstances, to put in tension the adult-centric forms through which the margins of autonomy —always relative— of youths are interpreted. The ethnography carried out in secondary schools shows the hidden potential of a type of study that accounts for the ways in which processes of political subjectivation and dynamics of youth and school sociability are articulated.


autonomy, adultcentrism, political subjectivation, youth and school sociability

Author Biography

Andrés E. Hernández, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

Doctor en Ciencias Antropológicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, y Licenciado en Sociología, Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Director del proyecto de Investigación «Expectativas y redes de sociabilidad juvenil: un estudio acerca de las experiencias y sentidos de ser joven en Villa María (2020- 2021)». Investigador Postdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) de Argentina.