Juvenile collectives: Political immaturity or assertation of other possible policies?


  • Katia Valenzuela


This article matters over the different ways in which the «juvenile political participation» has been studied arguing that social sciences domeneering discourse has operated naturalizing the political representation system under valuing other politicial expressions present among young people. In an intent to visualize these expressions, this article delivers an analysis of the discourses and practiceds of young people participants of the cultural and student collectives of the Province of Concepcion, Chile. This analysis helped to confirm that the young do not get too far from «the political thing», but from the idea of representative politics which —top their own judgement—contains the main characteristics of bureaucracy, electoral centralism and authoritarianism among other others. To their rejection to political representation system, young people propose new social-political practices defined by an equitative participation, an assembly system, self managing, pluralism and political culturalization.


political participation, youth, representation system

Author Biography

Katia Valenzuela

Licenciada en Sociología, Universidad de Concepción, Chile. E-Mail: kavalenzuela@udec.cl.