Imagine and (not) create a Latin American world literature. The case of the novel El socio


  • Pablo Faúndez Morán Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso


In this paper, I propose a review of the internationalization of the novel The Partner (El socio, 1928) by the Chilean writer Jenaro Prieto. As such, we will aim to understand its translation and introduction into the languages and audiences of several European countries between 20221930 and 1936. Based on a detailed review of the novel’s reception in France and the author’s trip to Italy in 1934, my hypothesis is that within Chile the intellectual and political networks that made its internationalization possible were concealed, as it was preferable to explain its success solely by virtue of the literary excellence of Prieto’s work. This implied a false and distorted representation of the mediations and agencies that mobilize global literary exchanges, which will be analyzed below.


world literature, gatekeeper, literature and fascism, humorism


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