«I decided to behave, to rescue myself»: young people and high school in urban poverty contexts


  • Mercedes Saccone Universidad Nacional de Rosario


This article derives from a socio-anthropological research about experiences in high school of young people from contexts of urban poverty in Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina). We recover a social category which allows identifying meanings and practices constructed by male and female students in relation to attending school: the notion of «rescue», used to both express the passage from a way of life and behavior that students attribute to «the street» to other one associated with school. Although we also found evidence relativizing this construction of meaning as such practices overlap from time to time.


young people, high school, urban poverty contexts

Author Biography

Mercedes Saccone, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Profesora y licenciada en Antropología, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina). Magíster en Ciencias en la Especialidad en Investigaciones Educativas, Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas, CINVESTAV, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (México). Doctora de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Área Antropología (Argentina). Becaria postdoctoral de CONICET en la Unidad Ejecutora en Ciencias Sociales Regionales y Humanidades (UE-CISOR, CONICET-UNJu) (Argentina). Miembro del Centro de Estudios Antropológicos en Contextos Urbanos, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina). Correo electrónico: sacconemercedes@gmail.com