Working-class young people: decency, counterculture and affiliation in the october social outbreak


  • Nicolás Angelcos Universidad de Chile
  • Andrea Roca Universidad de Chile
  • Emilia Cuadros Universidad de Chile


The article discusses the findings of an in-progress sociological research on political participation within stigmatized neighborhoods of Greater Santiago. Unlike the images of anger, apathy and political disinterest from where they are usually portrayed, we retrieve the experiences, meanings and expectations towards the Social Outbreak among young people with higher education and experienced in intrinsically cultural, religious and political organizations. Analytically, we identify three intelligibility criteria – decency, counterculture, and affiliation – in order to understand the ways in which young people from working-class narrate their lives, describe their own neighborhoods, and speak about the experiences lived in protests and during the constitutional process.


youth political participation, working-class neighborhoods, riot

Author Biographies

Nicolás Angelcos, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en Sociología de la École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de París. Académico Universidad Andrés Bello y Universidad de Chile. Investigador asociado, Centro de Estudios de Conflicto y Cohesión Social. Correo electrónico:

Andrea Roca, Universidad de Chile

Doctora en Sociología por la Universidad de São Paulo. Académica Universidad de Chile y Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Correo electrónico:

Emilia Cuadros, Universidad de Chile

Estudiante de Sociología de la Universidad de Chile. Correo electrónico: