Educational achievement in young people and social class of origin: The case of greater Concepción


  • Ricardo Rivas Universidad San Sebastián


This article, synthesizes the main theoretical and empirical elements of the construction of a scheme of classes based on the Neoweberian principles of John Goldthorpe, in order to observe the educational mobility of youth between the ages of 20 and 29, who come from homes pertaining to these established socio-occupacional classes, from the data base of the Census of Population and Housing in Chile from the year 2002. To this regard, results stand out as the presence of ascending educational mobility in the majority of the classes, the high probability of inheritance in parents with a basic cycle and the differences in probabilities of reaching for a higher education in each class when having one parent with a secondary education, and the other with only a basic education.


educational mobility, socio-ocupational class, educational inequity

Author Biography

Ricardo Rivas, Universidad San Sebastián

Sociólogo chileno, docente Escuela de Trabajo Social, Universidad San Sebastián, sede Concepción, Chile. E-Mail: