In the last decade, the Brazilian public investment for youth has produced a speech about public policy at the national level. It is important to mention the creation of the National Youth Secretariat in 2005. In order to map what is happening, it was developed a historical vision of political actions in the last 12 years at the federal level, based on official documents and official laws available. According to official records, it is concluded that there has not been a progress on the public agenda for this population, despite having a predominant focus in social class, prioritizing social policies for poor youth.
youth policy, social rights, brazil
Author Biographies
Rafael Garcia Barreiro, Universidad Federal de São Carlos
Máster en el Programa de Postgrado de Terapia Ocupacional de la Universidad Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, SP, Brasil. Profesor Asistente del curso de Terapia Ocupacional de la Universidad de Brasilia. E-Mail:
Ana Paula Serrata, Universidad Federal de São Carlos
Post-Doctorado de la Universidad de Western Ontario, Canadá. Doctorado en Salud pública. Investigadora del Laboratorio METUIA. Profesora adjunta del Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional y del Programa de Posgrado en Terapia Ocupacional, UFSCar
Garcia Barreiro, R., & Serrata, A. P. (2020). Portrait of brazilian government public policy for youth in 2000. Última Década, 22(40), 133–157. Retrieved from