Alienated youth of today: A study on the vision of the society from the concept of the psychosocial anomie and alienation


  • Soledad Ruiz Universidad de Chile
  • Roberto Aceituno Universidad de Chile
  • Ana María Ugarte Universidad de Chile
  • Álvaro Jiménez Universidad de Chile
  • Alejandro Reinoso Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Rodrigo Asún Universidad de Chile


The present study is about the social integration of young people, in this case, through the concepts of alienation and psychosocial anomie, addressing the normative condition posed by the social world, in objective, institutionalized and subjective aspects such as the relationship of the individual with respect to «the others» and the «other» in a more abstract dimension. Fourteen interviews were conducted in-depth with school youth of different sexes and income levels. The results will consist of five discourses that enable youth to discuss the current conditions of individualization and the imaginary relationship of youth publicly and socially.


alienated youth, alienation, psychosocial anomie