Regarding those who are not, although they are. Success as youth excluded by poverty in capitalist contexts


  • Claudio Duarte Quapper Universidad de Chile


In present day Chilean society, to obtain success is transoformed into a vital objective in the fact that survival is a key element in reaching this goal. The effects that this is generating en the youth population in impoverished sectors is a subject that we approach in this article. The opulent consumption, stimulated by promotion agencies within this process of interchange, appears as the process of greater incidence in the search to obtain or acheive the demand-wished profit; from here other it is possible to conjugate another two processes in the world of youth: efficient labor insertion, in which any questioning regarding the labor conditions is avoided, and it concentrates in the valuation that access has in as much as grants resources to enter the circuit of the opulent consumption and technological modernization, as a process of access, use and valuation of the technologies, especially the communicational ones, such as instruments to secure the prestige that the modernization grants in our societies. Nevertheless, it is the poorer ones whom are being left outside these processes by the high exclusion that they experience, which is why, to avoid that condition, they generate strategies that allow them to survive and, to a lesser extent, resist being an outsider in the celebration of success.


success, youth of impoverished sectors, opulent consumption, efficient labor insertion, technological modernization, survival strategies