Youth technologies for the juvenilization of the body: a reflection from body practices in models from Mexico City


  • Ángela Rivera Martínez Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia


The objective that I propose in this article is to inquire on the cultural representations involved in the processes I call youth technologies for the juvenilization of bodies, regarding youth as a set of attributes from certain individuals whose processes of body juvenilization are displayed as contemporary manifestations of the materialization of certain images and representations. Such cultural representations are built on the basis of tensions between the normative and the eccentric, between the conventional and nonconventional aspects. By gaining understanding in youths and their diversity, a relocation of youth in unique and homogeneous corporalities is generated. An ethnographic work, both offline and online, and ethnographic interviews to seven models from Mexico City modeling agency “Guerxs” was carried out for this research (2017- 2018).


youth, youth technologies, body practices, fashion

Author Biography

Ángela Rivera Martínez, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia

Estudiante de doctorado y Maestra en Antropología Social por la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH-Mx); Socióloga (Universidad de Concepción, Chile) y Diplomada en Investigación y Acción en Mundos Juveniles (Universidad de Chile). Sus problemáticas de investigación son cuerpo y prácticas corporales, género y moda, enmarcadas en los estudios socioculturales de las juventudes. Correo electrónico: