A childhood citizenship? Research findings on the movement for a culture of childhood and adolescence rights in Chile


  • Claudio Figueroa Grenett Universidad Alberto Hurtado


The present article analyses the experience of boys, girls and adults in the Movement for a Culture of Childhood and Adolescence Rights born in Chile in 2008. Findings concerning oppression on children, the internal dynamics of the movement and its ways of political action are described. The article shows the production of subjectivity is relieved to a third space, suspending the social adult-centered significance and enabling a childhood citizenship.


childhood, citizenship, third space, subjectivity, social movement

Author Biography

Claudio Figueroa Grenett, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Psicólogo Universidad ARCIS y Magíster en Sociología Universidad de Chile. Docente de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado. E-Mail: psclaudiofigueroa@gmail.com