Composition, balance of power and strategy development in CONFECH plenary (2011-2015)


  • Marcelo Mella Polanco Universidad de Santiago de Chile


This article focuses on the initial composition of CONFECH plenary during the 2011-2015 periods and the development of strategies in such space, taking into account that the governance of the Confederation and its capacity for action in national politics is determined by the kinds of political parties and alliances. Three main questions are addressed in this paper: How does the annual plenary composition, and its initial correlations, vary? What are the effects of this initial composition on building alliances? How does the definition of strategies by different organizations and actors vary, regarding their relative position in this space? This article answers these questions by inquiring into mechanical and political-strategic effects of the compositions of the plenary CONFECH.


student movement, chilean politics, social conflict, sectoral reforms, democratization

Author Biography

Marcelo Mella Polanco, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Académico Departamento de Historia, Universidad de Santiago de Chile; Doctor en Estudios Americanos, Instituto de Estudios Avanzados, Universidad de Santiago de Chile; Magíster en Ciencia Política, Instituto de Asuntos Públicos, Universidad de Chile; Licenciado en Historia, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Email: