Youths faced with a changing labor market: Indications based on the path of two generational groups


  • ngela Borges Universidade Católica do Salvador


This paper seeks to understand the pattern of entry and permanence of young people in the Brazilian urban labor market engendered by the productive restructuring in the 1990’s. Based on the data from the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) (Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios in Portuguese), school-work relationship, activity and unemployment rates, forms of insertion, participation in social security systems and the yields in the period 1992-2006 were observed in two open generational groups (young people aged between 15 to 19 and between 20 to 24 at the beginning of the decade). In order to evaluate better the nature of these changes, the status of these generation groups was compared to the ones who were young in 2011. The results point out that not only a part of these young people is forced to a late insertion, but also to the loss of the acquired qualifications, being stuck in precarious occupations and subject to discouragement, with extremely severe social and personal consequences.


labor market, unemployment, generational groups

Author Biography

ngela Borges, Universidade Católica do Salvador

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Federal de Bahía (2003). Bahía (2003); profesora del Programa de Posgrado en Política Social y Ciudadanía de la Universidad Católica de Salvador (UCSal). Actualmente coordina el GT Población y Trabajo de la Asociación Brasileña de Grupo de Trabajo de Población y Trabajo de la Asociación Brasileña de Estudios de Población e integra los equipos del proyecto Metrópolis en la actualidad brasileña: La Región Metropolitana de Salvador (PRONEX, FAPESB, CNPQ) y de la red de investigadores congregados en el Observatorio de las Metrópolis incluida en el Programa de Institutos Nacionales de Ciencia y Tecnología (INCT/CNPQ/FAPERJ/Observatório das Metrópoles). E-Mail: