Compulsory secondary school in Argentina: Pending challenges for the integration of all young individuals


  • Mariana Nobile Universidad Nacional de La Plata


The Secondary school, especially after its compulsory application, has taken a leading role as a legitimate space of social integration of youth in Argentina. On the basis of a bibliographical and secondary data research, the processes of level expansion as well as pending challenges for reaching universalization and the main education policy strategies to achieve it are detailed. It is observed that, despite the progressive expansion of access and of the educational programs going along with student paths, expulsive practices that continue excluding young people from social sectors not historically regarded as recipients are still present.


secondary education, youth, social integration, Argentina

Author Biography

Mariana Nobile, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO Argentina; Magíster en Sociología de la Cultura y Análisis Cultural, IDADES-UNSAM; Licenciada en Sociología, FAHCE-UNLP; Becaria Postdoctoral del CONICET; Profesora de Sociología de la Educación, FAHCE-UNLP. E-Mail: