The present article seeks to understand and connect the social representations of politics from different generations of secondary school students in Greater Concepción, Chile. It is proposed that social representations of the realm of politics built by secondary students are contemporary to the period and space they are produced, and are, at the same time, mainly based on «youth explosion», questioning the day-to-day of politics and re-activating the way politics is represented. That is how Chilean post-1973 history states the existence of three generational political narratives in secondary students, portraying politics from their own socio-historical posture: the first from the 80’s, the second from 2006 and the final one from 2011.
youth(s), generational narrative, social representations of politics
Author Biographies
Pablo Santibáñez Rodríguez, Universidad de Concepción
Magíster en Investigación Social y Desarrollo de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Licenciado en Educación de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Tesista Proyecto Anillo Juventudes SOC 1108. E-Mail:
Rodrigo Ganter Solís, Universidad de Concepción
Doctor en Estudios Urbanos (PUC); sociólogo y docente del Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Concepción, investigador asociado Proyecto Anillo Juventudes SOC 1108. E-Mail:
Santibáñez Rodríguez, P., & Ganter Solís, R. (2019). Social representations of the realm of politics: Convergences and divergences of generational narratives in greater Concepción. Última Década, 24(44), pp. 39–70. Retrieved from