School policies for student participation in Argentina


  • Silvia Alucin Universidad Nacional de Rosario


The present paper analyses the student participation spaces delimited in four high schools in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, all of them with different traditions and marked differences related to the student population they receive. After inquiring into the particularities of those instances, a sociocentric perspective, rather than a state-centered perspective, was applied in order to problematize the implementation of regulations. This way, we were able to take the experiences of student participation as privileged “loci” where re-significations of the state policies were present in the diverse institutional projects interwoven by the inequality of the educational system.


secondary education, politics, anthropology

Author Biography

Silvia Alucin, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Lic. en Antropología (UNR), Dra. en Ciencias Antropológicas (UNC). Docente en la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes UNR y becaria posdoctoral de CONICET, con sede en el Instituto Rosario de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación (IRICE). Correo electrónico: