Political practices at school. A study in three high school institutions in Colombia


  • Nancy Palacios Mena Universidad del Tolima


The article is the result of an attempt to problematize the traditional conception of politics, and the moment and circumstances in which certain types of actions and practices are regarded as political. Individual and collective actions that questioned and advocated for adequate conditions to receive educational services and for a transformation of the normative order and power relationships, of the school institution were understood as political practices. Political practices were identified around three axes of school life: the demand to ensure adequate conditions for receiving education to the State, the need to change norms and power relationships in school, and the questioning to the pedagogical component of educational institution.


political practices, rights in school, high school education

Author Biography

Nancy Palacios Mena, Universidad del Tolima

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales Niñez y Juventud. CINDE – Universidad de Manizales. Licenciada en Ciencias Sociales y Magister en Sociología. Universidad del Valle. Profesora de la Universidad del Tolima y Universidad de los Andes. npalaciosme@ut.edu.co, n.palaciosm@uniandes.edu.co