
  • Jimena Castro Godoy Universidad Alberto Hurtado


In this article I will show the cases of two nuns who during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries gave an account of a particular supernatural experience: the journey to distant and non-Christian lands. I speak of Úrsula Suárez, a Chilean nun (1666-1749), and Francisca de los Ángeles, a “beata” from Querétaro (1674-1744). The trips that both experienced take place within the framework of a visionary experience, where it is not the body that moves but the spirit. And since the destination of the trip was unchristianized lands, the purpose of this would be to evangelize through preaching, an activity that was then forbidden for women. They used the space of the vision to carry out the act of preaching. To explain this, I will make a review of the purposes of the monastic and conventual enclosure to show how the spaces of confinement direct and converge in the visionary journey described in colonial conventual writing.


Bilocation, Visionary journey, Úrsula Suárez, Francisca de los Ángeles, Cloister


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