Parody, digital experience, and subject in Ana Ojeda's Vikinga Bonsái



Vikinga Bonsái, a novel by the Argentine writer Ana Ojeda, seems to build a kind of continuous scopic-visual parade which emulates the action of scrolling on digital platforms. The images and situations in which the characters are engaged move at the speed of a machine gun and there is no time to stop and process the grief, as the reader’s perception accelerates and becomes continuous. This narrative ecology installs parody as a literary, ideological and subjective modus operandi, in a present that cannot be thought apart from digital technology. The intersection between the conjunctive and connective –digital– experiences (Berardi) appears under different nuances and movements: it is conceived as inevitable; as a possible locus of agency or as an experience in which the parodic and critical distance needs to be installed. The fields in which these two movements of parody or agency are unfolded are, according to our point of view, four: the political and literary tradition, the relative dissolution of the borders between digital and material experience, a certain acceleration of time and the construction of a language of one’s own, and the production of post-organic and “delusional” subjectivities (Guattari and Rolnik).


argentine literature, parody, digital experience, subjectivity, gender


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