Feminist knowledge and writings in a genealogical key: approaches to La brecha by Mercedes Valdivieso



This article analyzes La brecha (1961) by Mercedes Valdivieso, considered the first feminist novel in Chile. From this background, it seeks to problematize the meanings of feminism embodied in the text. To achieve this purpose, first, a genealogical reading of the main events and research on the role of literary practices in the construction of feminist ideas in Chile since the twentieth century is carried out. Subsequently, through the dialogue with Los vigilantes (1994) by Diamela Eltit and Contra los hijos (2018) by Lina Meruane, the concepts of body and motherhood, pivotal themes of Valdivieso’s thought, are analyzed. Finally, some critical approaches are made on the openings and tensions of La Brecha in contrast with the emergences of recent feminist politics.


genealogies, feminist literary criticism, feminist literary practices, 20th century feminisms, feminist politics in recent Chile

Author Biography

Carolina Escobar Lastra, Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Grupo de Investigación Literatura y Escuela