The article addresses an anti-liberal newspaper, O Mestre Barbeiro, published in Porto Alegre in 1835 during the months prior to the outbreak of the Revolução Farroupilha. The proposal is to analyze two aspects: on the one hand, the farcical delegation of the writing in the figure of a barber and the pertinence of the identity traits of that figure –it is deduced that the mestre barbeiro was black– in a context in which the access to citizenship of the subaltern sectors was being questioned (including the slaves and ex-slaves). On the other hand, the mechanisms used to (de)compose the discourse of the imaginary writer, located in the ideological antipodes of the true author of the journal, through a cumulative series of cuts and additions that resulted in a distortion of his senses.
O Mestre Barbeiro, press and literature, literary criticism, Brazil, 19 th century
Romano, M. L. (2020). Race, writing and press: the case of the newspaper O Mestre Barbeiro (Porto Alegre, 1835). Revista Chilena De Literatura, (101), pp. 355–377. Retrieved from
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