Reading-swimming: the sprinkling of introspection and amniotic pleasure in the poetry of Alicia Genovese


  • Nadia Prado Campos Universidad Metropolitana de Cienicas de la Educación


The following article is a reading of the collection of poems Aguas, by Alicia Genovese, which writes the memory of water and of the Argentinian dictatorship, and whose gravitational in-between and reflexive drizzle strokes with the swimmers of the poem towards the past. Subjective haul and a resonance chamber of subjectivity that destabilizes identity and prefigures the persistent act of thinking about the absent ones, exposing historic memory through the notion of water that becomes «the sprinkling of introspection» and the rhythm of remembrance, that, as amniotic pleasure, allows water and thought to breathe and to rewrite, in its itinerary towards the past, individual and collective memory that endures as an image that presents and recovers the geological layers of memory, projecting in the poem and beyond itself, as a poetics of complementarity and mutuality.


poetry, thought, water, reading, swimming, memory

Author Biography

Nadia Prado Campos, Universidad Metropolitana de Cienicas de la Educación

Este artículo fue escrito en el marco del Proyecto Fondecyt 1180331, “Representaciones de la memoria transgeneracional en producciones artístico-culturales de “hijos” y “nietos” en países del Cono Sur, 1990-2017”, y su investigadora responsable es Alicia Noemí Salomone.