Among the few poems by Francisco de Terrazas that have been available to us, there is an Epistle. The epistle is a genre that has been practiced "since the origins of the Mediterranean Civilization" and throughout the centuries its practice and its rhetoric have undergone changes, although its essence has remained immutable. Terrazas's Epistle embraces and violates this tradition. Starting from a motif that has its origins in troubadour poetry and Dolce Stil Novo, Terrazas shows a complete knowledge of the epistolary genre; the mastery of its rhetoric; the imitation of various Latin poems. Furthermore, novel elements are added; being the recurrence of a characteristic motif of the popular Hispanic lyrical poetry one of the most important. The article includes the transcription of the original poem written by Terrazas, which is analyzed through the revelation of both the classic sources and the new elements included by the Mexican poet.
Francisco de Terrazas, colonial poetry, epistle, classical tradition, romancero
Íñigo-Madrigal, L. (2013). Sobre la epístola de Terrazas Pues siempre tan sin causa pretendiste. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (85). Retrieved from
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