De armarios y bibliotecas: Masculinidad y tradición literaria chilena en la narrativa de Alberto Fuguet


  • Cristián Opazo Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


This essay proposes that Alberto Fuguet's narrative may be read as a writing project with a(new) rhetorical strategy by which various sexual deviances may be represented. By this modus operandi, in Fuguet's stories, both manifestation and repression of male deviance are made explicit by way of a ‘quotation game' in the fi eld of chilean literary tradition. The narrators in his texts fi nd in the narrative of José Donoso, Jorge Edwards and Alfredo Gómez Morel, among others, a corpus of rhetorical fi gures which allow them to make their deviance explicit in an oblique way; that is, to condense their voluptous desire in the prestigious language of the Chilean Literary Canon. Within this context, this essay explores the quotations of Donoso's Casa de Campo and El Jardín de al lado, and those quotations of Alfredo García Morel's El río present in Alberto Fuguet's fi rst works (Sobredosis y Mala Onda).


Alberto Fuguet, masculinity, chilean literary tradition, José Donoso, XXth century chilean novel.