Que les perdonen la vida


  • Lorena Amaro Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Even though there are texts of an autobiographical nature in Chile that date from Colonial times, they are not considered part of the national literary fi eld until well into the XX Century; quite the opposite, they are excluded from overviews and bibliographical registries by critics and historians. Like in the rest of Spanish America, discovering autobiographical accounts as texts in their own right (that is, beyond their documental function), implies the recognition of their complex discursive strategies and becoming aware of the ‘deviation from the letter’ these texts represent when it comes to their relationship with the European autobiographical tradition. It is interesting to note the awkward position of authors of this literary field, who must justify the use of the first person and the singularity of their experience in an environment which strongly values decency. In order to face this adverse judgment, authors develop tactics that grant them forgiveness and approval from their readers, while gradually giving way to modern, subjective productions.


autography, memoirs, literary field, self-representation