Going back to the traditional city. Social housing in 80’s Havana



The inclusion of Havana in the World Heritage List in 1982 contributed to a recognition of the values of the traditional city. This paper delves into the recent history of the 80’s in the area of social housing. To help understand the transformations that have taken place, this work starts with a theoretical framework, and background to the Cuban context of the 1980s, beginning with the events of the Mariel and ending at the start of the "Special Period". This includes the General Housing Law approved in 1984 and modified in 1988, after the “Process of rectification of mistakes and negative trends”, when the Group for the Integral Development of the City was created and the Microbrigades Movement was revitalized in 1986. This produced a transition from the industrialization of housing and open peripheral urbanization to a revalorization of the traditional city and craft technologies. In addition, heritage conservation was promoted as well as the insertion of new housing buildings in consolidated urban areas. Some prioritized programs formulated at the end of the 80’s could not be continued because of the economic crisis that characterized the following decade.


Housing, Tradicional urban centre, Havana, Decade of the 80's

Author Biography

Dania González Couret, Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana

Profesora titular Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana


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