Vertical social housing on the northern border of Mexico: Criteria for sustainable densification



This paper analyzes six vertical social housing developments built in Ciudad Juárez over three periods –1950s-1970s, 1980s and 1990s: FOVISSTE Burocrata (1956), FOVISSTE Sur (1975), FOVISSTE Chamizal (1980-1984), INFONAVIT Casas Grandes (1980s), INFONAVIT Eco2000 (1992-1993) and INFONAVIT Solidaridad (1990-1993.) This research conducts a physical-spatial analysis at two different scales: one, the urban-territorial dimension, which refers to the location of land suitable for urban densification within the urban sprawl, and; two, the urban-community dimension, which is associated with housing developments and the percentage of vacant dwellings. Geostatistical data are included to examine the extent to which these vertical developments favor habitability and sustainability both in location and design terms. This paper also offers a series of strategies intended to transform these dense developments into more balanced communities with the capacity to meet local needs. The final section provides conclusions on density criteria in favor of vertical housing and offers elements that may enable future developments to create inhabitable communities.

Author Biographies

Marisol Rodríguez Sosa, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

School of Architecture, Institute of Architecture, Design and Arts, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez

Erick Sánchez Flores, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

School of Architecture, Institute of Architecture, Design and Arts, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez

Gabriel García Moreno, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

School of Architecture, Institute of Architecture, Design and Arts, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez


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