Indicators of the perception of residential environments: A tool for urban planning. Case study of Flores, Costa Rica



The use of tools designed to measure the perceived quality of a residential environment within urban planning and management processes has been little explored despite its value as a strategy to improve urban quality of life. There is a need to promote the implementation of these instruments and contextualize them with the features of the environment to further enhance the influence on urban environments within a changing and diverse world where planning demands the emergence of new intervention mechanisms. This research seeks to contribute to this end. The use of a self-reporting tool to measure the perceived quality of the environment allowed the collection of data from a residential area in Flores, Costa Rica. The analysis of this information greatly contributed to understand the relationship between the characteristics of geographical environments and their perceived quality. The findings of this research made it possible to identify the relationship between urban and residential satisfaction and urban characteristics, allowing us to elaborate arguments for the future promotion of urban intervention strategies.

Author Biography

Helga von Breymann, Universidad de Costa Rica

School of Architecture, University of Costa Rica


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