Gated communities are growing throughout the Spanish landscape. While scientific attention has been traditionally focused in Madrid, this paper aims to broaden the depth of knowledge of these formulas of segregation in other areas of Spain, especially in Valencia and Sevilla. The location of these developments, as well as their territorial and typological analysis, are the main goals of this research. From a methodological perspective, Street View has been successfully trialed as the basis to locate these areas. It is ascertained that the gated communities closest to conventional definitions exist with other formulas of enclosure in rural Sevilla and the coastal areas of tourism in Valencia – each with their own territorial logics.
Author Biographies
Arsenio Villar Lama, Universidad de Sevilla
Department of Physical Geography and Regional Geographic Analysis, Faculty of Geography and History, University of Seville.
Miguel García Martín, Universidad de Sevilla
Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geography and History, University of Seville.
Villar Lama, A., & García Martín, M. (2016). Urban segregation in Spain: gated communities in Valencia and Seville. Revista INVI, 31(86), 145–177. Retrieved from