The Implementation of an Affordable Housing Project in the Peri-Central Area of Santiago. The Renovation of Juan Antonio Ríos, Sector 3B, Municipality of Independencia
The author refers to the theoretical-conceptual development that originates and supports an architectural project. The context for this project is the expanding urban metropolitan growth and the demand of urban landform the development of low cost housing groups. One plausible alternative is to increase the density of the peripheral area of downtown Santiago, recovering existing megastructures by renewing residential zones. At the neighborhood level the solution here proposed is an urban-housing one which increases the density of the nearby surroundings. This consists of a mega-block with medium height department buildings, which already do exist and are inhabited. The public places are organized in order to avoid crime focus by the correlation of the physical and sociological structures as well as the visual and spatial control by the residents.
Author Biography
Isabel Zapata Alegría, Universidad de Chile
Arquitecta, académica del Instituto de la Vivienda, FAU - UCH
Zapata Alegría, I. (2012). The Implementation of an Affordable Housing Project in the Peri-Central Area of Santiago. The Renovation of Juan Antonio Ríos, Sector 3B, Municipality of Independencia. Revista INVI, 14(36).