Hierarchization of demand. A comparative analysis on social housing allocation processes


  • Romina Sonia Olejarczyk Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Natalia Gabriela Jauri Universidad de Buenos Aires


In this paper, we conduct a comparative analysis of the processes of allocation and purchase of social housing under the Urban Development of Slums and Settlements Subprogram in the Municipality of Avellaneda and the Transformation, Integration and Settling Program in a slum area located in the City of Buenos Aires. It is in our interest to observe the criteria and disputes derived from the elaboration of the list of recipients.
In this sense, we ask ourselves: How are these housing allocation requirements elaborated? Who takes part in their definition? Who is included and who is left out? What are the aspects included or excluded from these initiatives? What are the disputes around these projects? How are these services appropriated and redefined by people?
We are guided by the following premises: these processes are an essential part in the implementation of policies and are defined in a theatre of disputes among parties of unequal levels of involvement. The path they assume in each case is related to both their registration -or non-registration- in an urban development project for a determined area of the city and the presence of criteria and relatively institutionalized spaces to define such initiatives. In addition, it is necessary to investigate the space-time dimension that gives shape to these processes.

Author Biographies

Romina Sonia Olejarczyk, Universidad de Buenos Aires

BA in Social Work. Doctoral student in Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. Type I fellow, National Council of Scientific and Technical Investigation (CONICET), University of Buenos Aires. Professor, Social Work Degree Course, University of Buenos Aires.

Natalia Gabriela Jauri, Universidad de Buenos Aires

BA in Social Work. MA in Social Policy, University of Buenos Aires. Ph.D. in Social Sciences. Type II fellow, National Council of Scientific and Technical Investigation (CONICET), University of Buenos Aires.