The increase of urban insecurity and the fear of crime have triggered the development of gated communities in Latin American cities. This residential model has even attempted to extend its target not only to upper-middle and high socioeconomic groups, but also to lowermiddle and low income groups. However, this paper shows how living in gated communities is still related to social distinction and status. This article analyses the main characteristics of gated communities, who their residents are, their daily activities and interests as well as their relation with the city. It is concluded that gated communities are an important element of social distinction and belonging for some social groups.
Author Biography
Sonia Roitman, Freie Universitat Berlin
Urban sociologist. PhD in Urban and RegionalPlanning, University College London. Postdoctoral fellowshipin Sociology at Freie Universitat Berlin.
Roitman, S. (2011). Social distinction and residential habitat in Latin America. Revista INVI, 26(73), 17–71. Retrieved from