Local units for integral habitat management. The Cuban experience


  • Dania González Couret nstituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría
  • Norberto Alvarez Pequeño Unidad Provincial Inversionista de la Vivienda
  • Odalia Aguila Fleites Unidad Provincial Inversionista de la Vivienda
  • Deremis Pérez Aguilera Unidad Provincial Inversionista de la Vivienda


The participation of people in the formation of their habitat implies economic, social and environmental advantages; however, this participation should be carefully managed through proper entities in order to ensure the quality of results. This article presents the case of Ciego de Ávila, which reveals decentralization trends and an increase of popular participation in the production of habitat promoted by Cuban Housing Policies.
This research analyzes national and international experiences and identi?es management variables as independent factors and housing quality variables as dependent factors. By diagnosing housing quality and its management weaknesses, this article proposes a new model for integral housing management at a local level that is applied in three urban areas of the selected city and assesses positive results at physical and satisfaction levels.

Author Biographies

Dania González Couret, nstituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría

Postgraduate Director, Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría (ISPJAE), Havana

Norberto Alvarez Pequeño, Unidad Provincial Inversionista de la Vivienda

Director, Housing Investment Unit, Ciego de Ávila

Odalia Aguila Fleites, Unidad Provincial Inversionista de la Vivienda

Housing Investment Unit, Ciego de Ávila

Deremis Pérez Aguilera, Unidad Provincial Inversionista de la Vivienda

Housing Investment Unit, Ciego de Ávila