This paper summarises a research project carried out in the 1997-1999 period with CONICET support. It is centred on the negotiation process among different social actors regarding the relocation of a shanty town placed downtown Cordoba. Based on a case study, the aim is to present some considerations regarding the participation of the different actors as well as to find out about the effectiveness of the state in carrying out this type of policies. First, a summary is made of the different aspects of the negotiation process for the relocation of Villa El Pocito. It is important to mention that this process started in 1991 within the Mesa de Concertación de Políticas Sociales (Social Policies Co-ordination Table) and it ends in 1998 with the moving of the people to their new houses. During this period the conditions of the political and social context changed in the Cordoba province which affected the process in its different stages. Secondly, an evaluation is made of the housing policy applied here using the criteria of efficiency and efficacy. As a conclusion, questions are made on the impact of such actions on the inhabitants-beneficiaries and on the urban structure as a whole.
Author Biography
Cecilia Marengo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Arquitecta, Becaria de CONICET. Docente e Investigadora de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.