Alternative Sanitary Systems for the Social-Based Construction of Rural Residential Habitat


  • Beatriz Garzón Universidad Nacional de Tucumán


The present work focuses on a proposal for the “Hygienic Disposal of Waste Matter” through “alternative sewerage systems”. The work is based on the Participative Action - Research experience carried out by the author in two rural communities of Tucumán, Argentina: Balderrama, Simoca, y Colalao del Valle, Tafí del Valle. Such experience arises as a response to the community needs and one of the objectives related to Environmental Sanitation of Rural Popular Habitat. The “constructive–social technological model” here proposed is intended not only to handle material aspects of the poorest sectors but also to create the conditions that allow for a greater participation of the community in the improvement of life quality, thus helping them “redefine” objectives and strategies for a better adjustment of the solutions required. That is to say, the improvement of the living conditions of the communities involved is intended by strengthening their organization with the purpose of reaching the sustained development of the sector. The above mentioned was based on a process in which groups, communities and institutions of popular sectors together with the contribution of external agents associated to investigate, learn and understand their problems and to propose courses of action of their own as they are the true innovators of their habitat. This “Shared Project” made it possible to “redefine” Investigation and Extension practices as through the means used both the community and the technicians worked together; “Investigation and Action” were no longer separate moments, avoiding the distress of the rural inhabitant dealt with as well as involving the latter in the process of “decision making” and “execution“ of the project.

Author Biography

Beatriz Garzón, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán

Arquitecta y Directora Proyecto: “Alternativas Tecnológicas para el Mejoramiento del Hábitat Popular”, CIUNT (Consejo de Investigadores de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina) – FAU, UNT. Docente en las Materias “Taller de Diseños Arquitectónicos” y “Acondicionamiento Ambiental I” y en 7, Materia Electiva “Arquitectura Bioclimática”. FAU, UNT. Autora de numerosas comunicaciones a Congresos y de Trabajos de Investigación y Transferencia sobre Tecnologías Alternativas para el Hábitat Popular.