Popular Access to Land in Chile. The Case of Viña del Mar


  • Nelson Arellano Escudero


The paper contains a summary of historical and cultural elements which allow for the understanding of the increasing number of illegal settlement cases (Tomas de Terreno) in Viña del Mar which are also called Chanty towns (Asentamientos Precarios). Data allow us to state that these settlements are not a new phenomena in Viña del Mar and that they have a long history with their leaders, collaborators, accomplices, beneficiaries and opponents. They are an expression of the presence of the social group called dwellers (pobladores) or as they will be called here, chanty town dwellers (Poblantes). Another set of data reveal the criteria which different actors have: the city hall technician, the NGO professional, the land's owner, the social organization's leader, the chanty town dweller, the SERVIU director and the written press. All the above mentioned factors allow us to understand some of the mechanisms of access to land for dwelling purposes and an aspect of urban development for popular sectors.

Author Biography

Nelson Arellano Escudero

Asistente Social, Universidad de Valparaíso. Licenciado en Servicio Social, Universidad de Valparaíso. Posttítulo Intervención Pscicosocial Universidad Diego Portales. Áreas de especialización: Psicología Social, Investigación Social Métodos Cualitativos y Cuantitativos, Diseño de programas sociales y formulación de proyectos sociales en ámbitos público y privado, Abordaje Multifamiliar en las Dependencias. Postítulo Modelos de Intervención Psicosocial, Universidad Diego Portales, Egresado Diplomado en ciencias Sociales mención Metodologíade la investigación Social y Local, Universidad de Chile (2001). Realización de nueve investigaciones, 10 documentos de trabajo, 5 ponencias, asistencia a 19 seminarios y 10 cursos de su especialidad