The aim of this paper is to centre the analysis on the management of alternative technologies from an I+D centre and to analyze the factors that influence technological definitions (beyond the material dimension) to finally arrive to conclusions about alternative models or strategies for social housing management. A description is made of Victor Pelli´s technologies, as a way to define strategies for technological management, reviewing the factors that differentiate the strategies (Pelli, 1998). The cases of alternative management which are analyzed are I+D cases, Vivienda Semilla (Seed housing) technology developed during the last 15 years. The reference to transfers done to some "semilla" (seed) models aims at presenting the conditions under which the technological management was carried out. The conclusions present the main characteristics and some advices taken from the management and technological management process.
Gatani, M. (2005). Housing Management and Technology. A Discussion on Alternative Technologies. Revista INVI, 20(55).