Local Governance within the Context of Socio-Housing Policies


  • Jorge Di Paula Universidad de La República


This article aims to reflect about the pontentialities and weaknesses of synergic meeting between the descentralization of the State and the participation of Civil Society, in the Social-housing Policy issue. It discusses about the different definitions of concept considered, theirs relationship and theirs operationalization, through indicators that show the municipalities conditions, those of the civil society and theirs relationship to improve the production processes of habitat in the local area. The selected theoretical model is the background to an empirical study in 4 departamental capital cities , two of them have left wing governments with political will of strengthening the descentralization and citizen participation. The research, which must finished this year, is been carried out in the Housing Unit of the Faculty of Archictecture in the University of Republic of Uruguay.

Author Biography

Jorge Di Paula, Universidad de La República

Arquitecto. Ex Director y actual investigador de la Unidad de Vivienda de la Fac. Arquitectura. Investigador del CIEDUR, Centro interdisciplinario de estudios para el Desarrollo de Uruguay. Asesor en el Grupo de Trabajo de Politica Habitacional e inclusión social del Ministerio de Vivienda. Corresponsable de investigación de la Red de Asentamientos Humanos, Hábitat y Vivienda de la Universidad. Tutor de varios investigadores jóvenes. Conferencista en las Universidades de Roma III y Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid. Candidato a PhD. en la Universidad Tecnológica de Delft, Holanda.