Citizen Involvement and the City's Rescue


  • Mauricio Hernández Bonilla Universidad Veracruzana


In present democratic societies, citizens´ participation is an essential element within urban development processes. Increasingly, citizen participation represents a requirement in decision making processes and it is widely demonstrated that people's participation is fundamental to sustain development in the long term. However, participatory processes and mainly citizen participation still do not acquire a dominant role in city management. This article mainly reflects on processes of urban development particularly in relation to citizens´ role in the planning and implementation of renewal and regeneration strategies leading to recover the lost liveability of urban spaces. This paper argues that, it is necessary a citizenship profoundly involved in the problems of their environment, in the different actions that lead to solutions and the satisfaction of needs, and in general in the configuration of a sustainable urban development.

Author Biography

Mauricio Hernández Bonilla, Universidad Veracruzana

Arquitecto mexicano con Maestría en Artes del Diseño Urbano y Doctorado en Urbanismo por la University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Inglaterra. Actualmente Profesor-Investigador en Diseño y Planificación Urbana en la Universidad Veracruzana en México.