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“La Chimba” Project, Antofagasta: success and pending challenges
Gino Antonio Pérez Lancellotti
Universidad Católica del Norte
In 1997, the Urban Project Department of the Chilean Ministry of Housing in cooperation with Antofagasta local government and the Land Ministry began the making of a development plan for an unused area in the northern tip of the city known as La Chimba. The aim of the plan was to ensure a methodical and coherent planning of 417 hectares of land belonging to the State. This plan proposed a new way of projecting the growth of the city, with a special emphasis in the connectivity of the project, considering car parking and bi-directional routes as well as proposing a mix zoning use, including equipment areas, urban parks, accompanied by a policy of image change of an area up to then seen a derelict as is reveled in scale models and plans of the project. One of the most important challenges of the project was to implement innovative urban management tools. Ten years after some successful decisions and mistakes can be identified. The project was implemented but due to urban development policies changes other similar projects have not been implemented since.
Urbanism, urban planning, urban project, La Chimba, Antofagasta
Author Biography
Gino Antonio Pérez Lancellotti, Universidad Católica del Norte
Licenciado en arquitectura y título de Arquitecto (1994) Universidad Católica del Norte. Master en Proyectación urbanística UPCataluña 2001 y MBA universidad católica del norte (2006). Entre los años 2001-2007 trabajó en la Dirección de Proyectos Urbanos del MINVU. Actualmente se desempeña desde el año 2007, como docente de la escuela de arquitectura de la universidad católica del norte y como consultor externo en planeamiento y proyectos urbanos.
Pérez Lancellotti, G. A. (2015). “La Chimba” Project, Antofagasta: success and pending challenges. Revista De Urbanismo, 17(32), 54–69.