This article begins to reflect on the tragic Heideggerian question of the “destiny of Being”, which Sloterdijk takes to a shameless expression regarding existence itself in danger. This question is put in relation to the different dominant perspectives of the twentieth century that end in the suffix “ism” and with that other that deals with “the end of history”. From such a scenario, this article highlights different efforts to integrate what C.P. Snow called the divorce of the two cultures (science and humanities). And from such problematization the hypothesis is advanced that says that the most adequate way to respond to the modern-late existential challenges is by seeking to integrate in their differences: the scientific-intellectual-technological and the affective-psychic.
Sloterdijk, destiny, end of history, decadence, innovation
Contreras Godoy, J. P. (2021). Crisis, Decline and Innovation. The Scientific-Intellectual and the Psychic. Resonancias. Revista De Filosofía, (11), 13–24.