“Against the Organization”. Chaos and Creation in Paul Klee and Gilles Deleuze


  • Mauricio Carreño Hernández Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Tomás Flores Estay Universidad de Chile


This article intends to put a strain on the notion of organization, based on the relations we can establish between the theoretic production of Paul Klee and the work of Gilles Deleuze. The encounter between those two authors will allow us to pose a problem in regard to the concept, understood as a device which fixates and reduces the living being to an unchanging and static quality at the level of the configuration of living forms and of the artistic creation. From the understanding of the act of creation as an operation generative of living configurations, we will show the relevance of the chaosmotic trait of creation, that is, creation as a genetic point of order from chaos. Thus, considering the rejection form the part of the two authors of the essences, replacing them with the variation, difference and becoming, we will propose the idea that 'every configuration it's a deformation', this as well as in the field of vital genesis as in that of artistic creation.


organization, chaos, creation, Klee, Deleuze