Environmental responsibility and guilt. A look from Hannah Arendt and Hans Jonas


  • Fabián Olave Ramírez Universidad de Chile


Considering the current delicate environmental situation, a fundamental concept to have in mind is responsibility. Certainly, this term raises people awareness about the damages that they produce in nature and their capability to avoid them. However, this is a difficult task due to the current capitalist system. For this reason, it is useful to focus on Hannah Arendt’s thought and her description about how certain social-politics systems pursue to delegate their own responsibility to the population, creating a sort of illusion in which common people have to solve the problem. To generate this awakening, it is necessary a new education, that can be given by Hans Jonas’ principle of responsibility, because it offers an ethics oriented to future preservation of Earth. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare oneself to prosecute the maximal responsible people for the environmental destruction, analyzing their possible arguments and how to refute them.


responsability, Hannah Arendt, capitalism, principle de responsability, guilt

Author Biography

Fabián Olave Ramírez, Universidad de Chile

Estudiante de Magíster en Filosofía en la Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.