The time consciousness enigma: an analysis of immanent temporality in Hua X


  • Camila Ramírez Clavería Universidad de Chile


The aim of the present investigation consists in an analysis of immanent temporality according to what is exposed by Husserl in Vorlesungen zur Phänomenologie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins (Hua X), considering the temporal flow as that which allows to comprehend the incessant course of experience (Erlebnis) in the consciousness. Thus, we ask ourselves what Husserl means by phenomenological temporality and in which way it distances itself from the psychological conception developed by Brentano. In this sense, due to the difficulty of this problem -referring to it as “enigma” and “dark depths” in Ideas I- and to the wide dedication of Husserl to it, we will limit ourselves to the analysis of what is contained in Hua X, thereby understanding immanent temporality as a flow of sensations which varies in intensity and leads to the conception of the horizons of retention, originary impression and protention.


phenomenological temporality, flow, sensation, intensity

Author Biography

Camila Ramírez Clavería, Universidad de Chile

Tesista de Magíster en Filosofía (CONICYT 2019-22191081) en la Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.  Licenciada en Filosofía y Bachiller en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.