Transgresiones, continuidad e interrupciones. Una interpretación del republicanismo autoritario latinoamericano


  • Felipe Torres Max Weber Center, Erfurt University


This article presents a cultural analysis on the authoritarian structures in Latin America, specifically in Chile. The main hypothesis of the text is that there is an incomplete understanding of the symbolical and physical violence through the republican periods (19th century onwards) in Latin America without treating the institutional violence as result of vertical and hierarchical cultural legitimations. The use of historical material is thus functional to pursue the main goal of the paper which is to trace the authoritarianism as a permanent factor on the Chilean structures and, sometimes, feasible to be expanded to other Latin American contexts.


authoritarian republicanism, Chile, ruptures, democracy, Latin America

Author Biography

Felipe Torres, Max Weber Center, Erfurt University

Investigador Adjunto en el Observatorio de Transformaciones Socioeconómicas ANID-Sociedad Max Planck, Chile-Alemania. Doctorado en Estudios Culturales y Sociales por la Universidad de Erfurt, Erfurt, Alemania. Magíster en Política y Teoría de la Sociedad por la Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile. Sociólogo por la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile.