The main objective of this article is to reveal some phenomenological notes about suffering, having as a thread some of the ideas elaborated by Emmanuel Lévinas. In this way, my intention in this work is to answer the following question: How does suffering manifest itself to those who suffer from it? So, in order to solve this concern my article is structured in two moments. First, and following the approaches sketched by the author presented in La souffrance inutile, I will study the body and sensitive dimension through which this experience is revealed. Secondly, and continuing the reflection maked by Lévinas in Le temps et l'autre and Totalité et infini, I will analyse the irremissible character through which this experience appears to us. In conclusion, I will highlight some of the main notes of suffering that this work reveals.
suffering, reception, irremissible, sensibility, existence
Author Biography
Bryan Zúñiga Iturra, Universidad de Chile
Magistrando en Filosofía en la Universidad de Chile (Becario CONICYT Magíster Nacional 2018). Chile. Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad de Chile. Chile.
Zúñiga Iturra, B. (2019). Between the impossible reception and the irremissible existence. Towards a phenomenology of suffering in Lévinas. Resonancias. Revista De Filosofía, (6), 78–90.