

Revista de Arquitectura accepted for inclusion in SciELO Chile collection



Endless cities



Urban utopias have always sought ways to improve the relationship between men and territory, as well as among themselves. They have linked society with the city, proposing new worlds for new men. The analysis of urban theories of the sixties and seventies provides us with a study framework where it can be inferred that the incipient globalization led to the production of a series of nonrealistic theoretical projects, in which infinite structures, spread throughout the Earth, served to make room for the new post-industrial society. The current reality presents some points of contacts with these visionary works, such as the important development of telecommunications in the last twenty years, and it serves as starting point for new reflections that seek to improve both, the urban environment, and the territory, since both constitute the indissoluble whole in which the contemporary world develops.


megaestructures, urban utopias, generic city, archigram, superestudio