The article “Concept, Context, Content” written by Bernard Tschumi proposes an approach to the architectural practice based on the analysis of three main architectural components: concept, context and content, and wonders to what extent is the prevalence of one of these components among the others fair. This question opens up a space to consider the confrontation between concept and context in the contemporary architectural situation. In order to explore this confrontation, I propose to introduce a third term in the relation: ‘affect’, thus, allowing the binomial concept-context fade away and permitting the emergence of new possibilities. The following paper claims that an affective approach to architecture can generate more accurate responses to nowadays challenges.
Mónica Aubán Borrell, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
Arquitecta (2013) por la Universitat Politècnica de València y Máster en Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura (2015) por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Actualmente cursa estudios de doctorado en el Programa de Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Miembro del grupo de investigación ACC-Arquitectura, Ciutat i Cultura y beneficiaria de la Ayuda Predoctoral Fi-Agaur.
Aubán Borrell, M. (2017). Affect: concept + context. Architectural practice as relational space. Revista De Arquitectura, 22(32), Pág. 6–14.
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